S-Network Water Tech

Comprising the 30 water technology companies contained in the Composite, subject to the same weighting and capping methodologies applied to the Technology tranche of the Composite.

As July 26, 2024 Index Level 3-Month 6-Month 1-Year YTD
Price Return 7,129.1 4.2% 17.2% 20.2% 13.7%
Total Return 9,719.0 4.5% 18.1% 21.9% 14.5%
Net Total Return 8,984.1 4.4% 17.8% 21.4% 14.3%
Index Level 7,129.1
3-Month 4.2%
6-Month 17.2%
1-Year 20.2%
YTD 13.7%
Index Level 9,719.0
3-Month 4.5%
6-Month 18.1%
1-Year 21.9%
YTD 14.5%
Index Level 8,984.1
3-Month 4.4%
6-Month 17.8%
1-Year 21.4%
YTD 14.3%

As of July 26, 2024


Index Symbol (Price Return) JWT
Index Symbol (Total Return) JWTRR
Index Symbol (Net Total Return) JWTTR
Number of Constituents 30
Market Capitalization $283 Billion
Adjusted Market Capitalization $102 Million
Rebalancings Quarterly
Dividend Yield 1.13%


Top Index Constituents
As of July 27, 2024

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