

Thematic investing gives investors exposure to the ideas they feel could drive the world in the long-run. We can build custom thematic indexes that align with future expectations around mega-trends, breakouts, and emerging social themes. VettaFi's current thematic indexes are designed to track the performance of the companies shaping the future through disruptive tech, natural resources, and e-commerce.
S-Network Global Gaming Index
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Our Thematic Sector Defense & Security indexes provide exposure to companies engaged in defense and security industry applications.
Our Thematic Sector Critical Materials indexes provide exposure to the critical materials and rare earth metals required for clean energy and industrial applications.
Our Thematic Sector Cannabis indexes provide exposure to cannabis-related investment themes.
Our Thematic Sector Automotive indexes provide exposure to automotive-related investment themes.
Our Thematic Income Alternatives indexes provide exposure to liquid, uncorrelated, alternative investment vehicles that produce high levels of investment income.
Technological disruption is driving compelling yet complex investment opportunities across innovative themes like robotics, artificial intelligence, and healthcare technology. The VettaFi ROBO Global Index portfolios are constructed based on fundamental and industry research.
The Infrastructure Index Family are index families that measure the performance of Infrastructure in Global, International, and US markets. There are broad infrastructure and Information Technology Infrastructure Indices. The broad infrastructure indexes are composed of two sub-indexes, Builder's infrastructure and Owner's infrastructure.
Our Natural Resources Indexes are designed to measure the performance of the natural resources industry. They include the VanEck Natural Resources Index (RVEI), an equity index designed to serve as a benchmark for globally traded stocks principally engaged in the production of commodities.
Our Medical and Healthcare Indexes are designed to measure the performance of medical and healthcare stocks, with strong emphasis on dynamic small/mid-capitalization biotechnology companies.
Our Global Water Indexes are designed to measure the performance of water companies from around the world. Included companies must generate at least 25% of its revenues from water-related activities and the overall composite generates well over 50% of its total revenues from water-related activities.
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